This topic is one of the trending topics nowdays. If you have doubt on yourself then I will tell you “Yes! you can”, because someone said “Nothing is impossible”. If an abnormal child can become a talented star like Hrithik Roshan, then everything is possible. There are some rules which must be followed to make impossible, possible.The word “Impossible” itself means “I am possible”, so keep working hard for your ambitions.

Here are some of the steps you must follow to score very good marks in your Board Examinations :-

1. Time Management

Time is killer, “If you don’t care about time, time will never give you chance to care for the thing you needed”. That’s simple; time is one of the most valuable thing in this world, so you must take care of time. Make a chart for your daily routine and give maximum time to your study. Suppose you spend six hour on your bed then rest 18 hours must be use for your exam preparation.

2. Have Good Diet and Keep Hydrate

Healthy food, water and juice are high of energy and protein which helps your brain to word fast and also helps you remember what you study. Your brain contain 70% of water and so its important be hydrated and drink water frequently. A good diet will help you focus on your study and this will also make you physically strong which is really important for your exam.

3. Do Meditation

Make a hobby of doing meditation its really important. For the first one or two weeks you don’t feel any changes but ones you will realize the benefits of medication, you will become habitual of it. We got some querry from students “Whenever I try to focus on study I get disturbed with useless thoughts”, for those students we have only one solution and that is “Medication”.

4. Challange Yourself

Challanging yourself means set the target for the things before time and doing better with time. Suppose you got 40% in the first term then try to score and get 60% in your next term and work hard to get 90% for the next term. You will not succeed until you have not make an ambition to chase. Increase your performance day by day and this will only happen when you study regularly.

5. Find your Weakness

Its important for the perspective of exams that you make a lot of your weakness either it’s a subject, chaper or topic. Let’s suppose you are weak in maths, obviously it will scare you and you will ignore it as much as you can. But it’s relly important to stop ingoring such subjects, because out of five there will be subject or a chapter which is out of your mind or you get boared of it so find your weakpoing and work on it.

6. Plan your Study

Make your study plan and include every subjects, don’t leave anyone. For a day give some hour to perticular subject, subject you find are hard schedule on top in the early morning then Keep aside the subject you find scoring and interesting and study it when you don’t feel more energatic. Don’t forget to take nap in between. Revision in very importand thing, learn and revise day after it.

7. Clear you Concepts instead of Memorizing

Sometimes you must tips and tricks to memorize but don’t try to memorize the subjects like physics and mathematics. For physics and maths you should clear concepts but you don’t need to clear concepts for subjects like english, hindi, and history.

8. Solving Sample Papers and Previous year Papers

Approximate 10%-20% of questions comes from sample papers each year. So you have to solve sample papers and only if you solve previous 10 years paper you will get more then 60% marks, rest 40% you have to prepare from important notes and books.

9. Socring subjects are the Key - Mind It

Never forget english and hindi which are most common and scoring subjects according to study. If you score more then 95% marks and 80% in your weak subjects then it will halp you to make an average of 90%.

10. You handwriting and clean answer sheet will always help

Good handwriting gives us bonus poing whether you are in class 1st or 12th. Examinar always become impressed with those answer sheets which are clean and clear. Its all about impress examinar and one of the best way to impress them is clear answer sheet and neat and clear diagrams.

Those were some of the key rules to score very good marks in Board Examinations.